Despite perceptual gaps or blindness, humans can always hold closer to reality and become better versions of themselves. This process occurs between impulse and self-control. If we learn to control ourselves and become architects of our lives, we can have a perfect work life, stronger relationships, and better mental health. If it is better to resist life’s temptations, why do we find it easier to surrender to perceptual gaps? By not repeating the same things constantly, humans can escape their ignorance and start questioning, thereby forming the reality links between dreams and facts.

It can be easily said that there is a direct proportional relationship between “our mental health” and “what we live for.” The satisfactions experienced in the mental region will facilitate and accelerate our exchange with Hola (Whole). Just as all winds help a ship with a determined course, the entire universe helps a person who knows what they want. It opens itself to fulfill their desires. As long as a meeting in the common mind can be realized…

How can we establish the connection between the mind and the physical body, more importantly, between the mind and our brain? We can use breath as an intermediary or bridge for this. In this way, we can control and regulate all the activities of our mind. In a world where you can break the wave function of subatomic particles in the moment with intention or even just inclination beyond thoughts, we can sustain our destiny in a reality-appropriate orbit just by thinking. This situation reminds us once again of the importance of using the mind. Therefore, the life architect uses their diagram by breathing through their nose and tries to control life by taking correct and sufficient breaths.

The mind and heart are nothing but two different words used to explain the same phenomenon of human adequacies. It is defined as the heart in the physical body. In this respect, the Essence, which finds its place in the heart, is in communication with Hola, takes on responsibilities, is punished, rewarded, valued as it knows itself, falls into nothingness as it chases its own ego, is considered valuable, despised, knows and can reflect everything, and is the brightest mirror of existence. Whatever we call it; essence, heart, or mind, it is the only treasure and talisman we have that keeps us together with the whole and allows us to understand the universe. The Essence, with its feature of being both comprehending and comprehended, enters the astral and biological body and mind with it. The Essence is the eye of the astral body, and the mind and will are its soul, energy, and inner dynamism. The names given to entities by people are words that describe that entity in the most concise way, elevate it to the mind, and visualize it in the mind. Therefore, to avoid conceptual confusion, I prefer to call the capacity and system of performing such activities of the Essence as the mind.

In the mind system, beliefs and preconceptions are of great importance. You cannot even imagine what a believing mind can achieve. I want to share a life story as an example of this. The story of a convict named Nick, who was to be executed in the USA, is quite interesting. Nick is taken to an ice room to be executed. He is given the following suggestion: “The room temperature is currently 30 degrees, and the temperature will be lowered by one degree every minute. An alarm will sound every 10 minutes. This sound indicates that the temperature has dropped by 10 degrees.” Nick begins to wait. As he hears the alarm every ten minutes, he feels his body getting colder. After the third alarm, Nick starts to shiver because he understands that the temperature is zero degrees. After the fourth alarm, while thinking that the cold is unbearable, he remembers what he has done throughout his life. After the fifth alarm, he senses how close death is and feels the cold penetrating his bones, becoming unable to respond. The sixth alarm is the last sound Nick hears before he dies. He has frozen to death.” The interesting part of this story is that the temperature, which was said to drop every minute, actually did not drop and remained constant. In other words, while Nick was in a room with a temperature of plus 30 degrees, he felt the temperature touching his body as minus 30 degrees because he had a strong belief that the temperature was dropping.

The mind allows us to ask questions unique to the human species: ‘Why are we here? What is the purpose of our life? What do we live for? Are these important questions asked only by brain cells?’ Is human thought, reasoning, decision-making, and creativity merely the opening and closing of neurons in the brain? While answering this question, two main streams of thought have clashed. Materialists claim that the mind is nothing more than the functioning of the brain. However, dualists argue that an immaterial essence added to the brain forms the mind, that is, our conscious self. Recently, scientist Wilder Penfield concluded that the mind is more than the activity of the brain.

When the mind is decisive and regulatory in life, the power of realization becomes the form of passion and excitement for realization. From this perspective, it can be accepted that the mind and passion should show and form an understanding of the future. Defining a future understanding that includes the last moment of our life and perhaps the afterlife, which Ziya Gökalp calls an ideal, development experts call vision, and we call future understanding, is among the first duties of the mind. If a future understanding cannot be formed, the reason for existence, that is, the mission, disappears. Then, like a ship that has lost its course, a person does not know what to do, swaying from right to left and left to right. Life loses its meaning, and no wind can help it.

In a scientific study conducted in Germany, scientists proved that our brain has already made decisions 6 seconds before our choices or behaviors. In fact, a person implements a decision made by the brain 6 seconds before they say they have decided. Is it the brain that makes the decision, or is it implementing a decision that has been made?

A concept that can be explained as the collective mind is now accepted by scientists. Experiments conducted in various parts of the world have proven that humans and animals make the same choices in similar events and phenomena. Dr. Penfield asked himself, “What happens when the mind is lost?” He said, “If we believe that the mind exists independently of the brain, the mind should be viewed as a fundamental element in itself… This means it has a continuing existence.” He speculated, “If the mind survives after death, it must be connecting with an energy source outside the brain. If not, the mind, like the body and brain that die and turn to dust, is lost forever.” We all want to know what happens to us or our minds when we die, whether we are barbers or butchers. The answer also explains the main purpose of our existence.

Starting from the premise “There is no void in the universe, or every void is filled in some way,” when the mind does not fulfill its duty, that void will be filled either by reason or pleasure. This puts a person in the situation of a cell that shows abnormal growth and development due to improper nutrition. In other words, after a while, the cell’s tissue deteriorates and becomes cancerous because it obtains energy from substances outside its nature to continue its life. Similarly, if a person does not form an understanding of the future with their mind or forgets or chooses to live as if they have forgotten the future understanding they have formed, the mind is divided into selves under the command of pleasure and becomes unable to see anything other than itself. This increases the pleasure of the essence. In short, this forgetting triggers all destructions. The antidote to this situation is to form an understanding of the future and maintain balance in the choices that give pleasure to our physical body.

In summary, whatever a person lives for, the collective mind puts everything into achieving it and supports it. Our mind regulates our connection with the universe and Hola and sends it to the brain, that is, the intellect, to be realized in life. The brain constantly restructures itself in light of new data to realize the desires coming from the mind. With this restructuring, it creates its own self-awareness by staying balanced in the ordinary flow of life. The best structuring to perceive reality can only be achieved with positive energy that includes an understanding of ethics, aesthetics, and empathy and brings out the thoughts of flexibility and optimism.

A self-centered person living in a negative orbit only thinks of themselves. As a result, they begin to become selfish. Seeing everything negatively and attributing meaning to it results in finding themselves in a very bad life according to their perspective. In contrast, a person who knows the truth, lives in a positive orbit, always thinks correctly, and has good morals finds themselves in a very beautiful life according to their perspective.

We need to know that we are the architects of our own lives. A balanced life can only be achieved through the design of the heart and taking the mind into account, and a person should passionately pursue achieving this. Thus, the curtains that fall over a person, making life seem meaningless and preventing them from being themselves, are removed one by one.

You too can live and see the beauties by staying balanced in the natural flow of life. In fact, you have started to live the perceptions closest to reality in life, and whether you want it or not, this state will continue like a passion until you die.

I wish and hope that you stay at the closest point to reality in the natural flow of life, and instead of just wishing, start wanting it…

Çetin Duyarlı

NLP Coach