Future Scenarios Module

Post-traumatic stress disorder | Depression | Reliving traumatic events | Avoiding things related to the event | Feeling more irritable/tense | Shame, guilt or a negative self-image | Gloom | Concentration problems | Unexplained physical symptoms | Sleep problems | Fears, panic, anxiety, restlessness | Stress | Motivational problems | Eating problems | Chronic pain | Addictions

Through our “Future Scenarios” module, our program aids users in identifying scenarios in their minds about the future – events that haven’t occurred yet but feel as though they constantly will. These occupying thoughts, accompanied by fears about the future and the scenarios the mind creates as if they’ve already happened, are pinpointed. The aim is to process these scenarios using the EMDR method to ensure they no longer disturb the individual in the present. This is accomplished alongside techniques that teach self-emotion regulation. Upon completing the module, individuals can not only learn and enhance their emotional regulation skills but also ensure that the troubling future scenarios in their minds no longer cause distress in the present. If needed, the “Present Triggers” module and the “Past Experiences” module are incorporated into the process.


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What benefits can you experience?

Gain the ability to deal with uncomfortable situations

Freedom from past bad experiences

Regain lifecycle functionality

Develop a healthy approach to situations


Some individuals experience intense anxiety, fear, panic, and sadness about the future. These concerns can lead to anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. The aim of the Future Scenarios module is to help users desensitize and reprocess these negative scenarios, enabling them to overcome them.


Through the Future Scenarios module, users realize that distressing events, emotions, and bodily sensations related to the future are being regulated, and they are now able to cope with them. Negative scenarios, nightmares, and attacks related to the future cease to exist. They are liberated from the impact of distressing situations and become aware of the present, living it actively and effectively.

Module outline

During this week, the user begins by creating a safe space and engages in goal planning for the future. The user identifies goals in an environment where they feel comfortable and safe and plans steps towards achieving these goals. Creating a safe space and goal planning helps the user shape their future scenarios in a more positive way.

This week, the user works closely with future scenarios. The user identifies negative or anxiety-provoking future scenarios and engages in exercises to transform them into more positive and constructive scenarios. This process aims to change thought patterns and strengthen a positive mindset.

During this week, the user engages in desensitization exercises and enhances their internal resources. The user utilizes desensitization techniques to reduce emotional burdens associated with negative past experiences. Simultaneously, they explore and strengthen their internal resources to enhance their ability to cope with future challenges.

In this week, the user utilizes the light beam technique during reprocessing exercises. The user deepens the reprocessing by following a light beam associated with a specific target memory. The light beam serves as a visual stimulus, aiding the user in achieving greater awareness and transformation at both mental and emotional levels.

During this week, the user identifies a new target future scenario and engages in desensitization exercises. The user selects a new future scenario that is linked to negative past experiences and works on desensitizing it. By using desensitization techniques, they reduce emotional burdens and initiate the process of mitigating the impact of the scenario.

This week focuses on continuing desensitization exercises related to the target future scenario identified in the previous week. The user also explores and strengthens their internal resources. They concentrate on empowering and providing support by focusing on their internal resources.

During this week, the user employs reprocessing techniques to process emotional burdens related to future scenarios. They reduce emotional burdens associated with negative past experiences and reprocess future scenarios in a more positive mental framework. Breathwork exercises are used to reduce stress, improve mental focus, and induce relaxation.

This week, the user identifies a new target future scenario and engages in desensitization exercises. The user selects a significant memory representing the desired future situation and works on desensitizing it. By employing desensitization techniques, they reduce emotional burdens associated with the memory and support envisioning future scenarios more positively.

During this week, the user continues their desensitization exercises to reduce emotional burdens related to future scenarios. They also explore and strengthen their internal resources to enhance their ability to cope with future challenges.

In this week, the user focuses on desensitization exercises to reduce emotional burdens related to future scenarios. By using grounding exercises, the user disengages negative emotions and stress from the body, allowing them to feel more mentally balanced and secure. These exercises help the user feel empowered and stable.

During this week, the user employs reprocessing techniques and breathwork to process emotional burdens related to future scenarios. They mentally reprocess the desensitized future scenario into a more positive version. Breathwork exercises are utilized for stress reduction, mental focus, and relaxation.

In this week, the user identifies a new target memory related to future scenarios and engages in desensitization work. The user selects a memory that represents a desired situation important to them in the future. By utilizing desensitization techniques, they reduce emotional burdens associated with this target memory and support envisioning future scenarios more positively.

During this week, the user continues desensitization exercises to reduce emotional burdens related to future scenarios. Desensitization techniques are combined with walking activities to engage the body, relax the mind, and reduce stress. While walking, the user mentally processes future scenarios in a more positive way, distancing themselves from emotional burdens.

In this week, the user continues desensitization exercises to reduce emotional burdens related to future scenarios. Walking activities and desensitization techniques come together to promote physical movement, mental relaxation, and stress reduction. The user leaves emotional burdens behind while walking and supports envisioning future scenarios in a more positive manner.

Negative thoughts, worries, and fears about future scenarios are processed using eye movements or other stimuli. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) techniques support the user in focusing on future scenarios mentally and emotionally, developing positive thoughts related to these scenarios. During this process, the user learns to envision future scenarios in a healthier, stronger, and more satisfying way.

In this week, the user develops the skills to control and direct future scenarios. They realize their power to shape their own future and enhance their ability to actively create future scenarios. At this stage, the session enters the termination process, evaluating the user’s progress. The session concludes positively, and the user becomes prepared to move toward future goals.


16 weeks

Time commitment

15-45 min per day

